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  1. Amy, will you participate in my new link-up? Go to and join me, if you will! I'd love to have your blog & posts linked up with mine!
    ~Sally (aka Craftingalsal)

    1. I tried to link up but it says I have to have a "back link on the post I want to link up". I have a "Where I Link Up Page" that I could put your link up on, but I can't put every single link up I do on every single post because it's just too time consuming.

  2. Amy, I just commented on your Grand post and then looked up more info. Looks like The Grand was all burgundy and cream before Carleton Varney modernized it in 1976. And here is a link you might like. Apparently he did updates through the years after the initial design, and now his son has recently redesigned the Carleton Varney Suite. I don't believe Mr Varney could have had anything to do with the cobalt blue flocked wallpaper I mentioned in my comment! In his contract, he should have made the stipulation that any changes to his design would have to be approved by him.

    1. That's so funny, because I thought the whole decor looked more 70's and 80's than historical, that's why I thought it needed an update. I think I would prefer the burgundy and cream ha ha! In any case, I think they need to hire a good designer and redo all the rooms, but I can only imagine the cost of that!


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